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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

Numerical Analysis

Total hours:60 theory + 60 practice.

The aim of this subject is:

The purpose of numerical analysis is two-fold:
  1. to find acceptable approximate solutions when exact solutions are either impossible or so arduous and time-consuming as to be impractical,

  2. to devise alternate methods of solution better suited to the capabilities of computers.

Subjects Names:
  1. Numerical Analysis :
    • Introduction(Definition of Numerical Analysis )
    • some type of Errors
    • Absolute Error
    • Relative Error
    • Rounding Error
  2. Solution of nonlinear Equations:
    • Introduction
    • bisection method
    • False position method
    • Secant method
    • Newton- Raphson method
    • Fixed point theorem.
    • Steffensen's method
    • Horner's method
  3. Solution of system nonlinear Equations:
    • Newton –Raphson method ( for system)
    • Fixed point method (for system)
  4. Direct Methods for solving linear system:
    • Introduction to vectors and metrices
    • Upper-triangular linear system
    • Gaussian Elimination
    • Triangular factorization.
  5. Iterative methods for solving linear system:
    • Jacobi's method
    • Gauss –Siedal method.
  6. Numerical interpolation and Extrapolation:
    • Lagrange method
    • Finite differences
    • forward differences
    • backward differences
    • Newton differences
  7. Numerical Differentiation:
    • Introduction
    • Numerical Differentiation Formula
    • Approximation the Derivative.
  8. Numerical integration :
    • Introduction
    • Composite Trapezoidal Rule
    • Composite Simpson's Rule
    • Romberg Integration
    • Gauss Legendre integration
  9. Solution of Differential equation:
    • Introduction
    • Taylor methods
    • Euler's method
    • Modified Euler's method
    • Heun's method
    • Midpoint method
    • Runge-Kutta Method of second order
    • Runge-Kutta Method of fourth order System of Differential Equations
  1. Atkinson, L.V. and Harley, P.j.,"An Introduction to Numerical methods with Pascal". Addoson-wesely Publishing company, 1983.

  2. Burden, B.l. and Faires, J.I. "Numerical Analysis", printed in United state of America, seventh edition 2001.

  3. Conte, S.D. and Deboor, C. "Elementary Numerical analysis", McGraw-Hill Book Company, Newyork. Third edition, 1980.

  4. Lambert, J.D., "Cmputational methods in ordinary Differential Equation", printed in Great Britain by J.w.Arrowsmith, Ltd, Bristol. 1981.

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